Servants of the Lake

Guild Ranks

Guildmasters - Rank 0 (Duane, Traia)

Our guildmasters are involved in all aspects of running the guild. From planning events to recruitment and promotion of guild members.

Officer Alt - Rank 2

Alternate characters of guildmasters are assigned officer alt rank, this allows them all command privileges available.

Raid Leader - Rank 3 (Jenkz)

Our raid leaders aid our gm's in helping plan events for members of the guild, including RvR as well as PvE. They are a vital link in our relations with other guilds and the realm.

Crusader - Rank 4 (Lillagullan, Anomander)

Crusaders act as key figures for guild RvR, creating and running these groups are their main roles.

Knight - Rank 5

The guilds main members rank. The majority of guild members will have their main character on this rank.

Knight Alt (45+) - Rank 6

Alternate characters of knights with levels 45 and above go on this rank, it has all privileges of the main knight rank.

Knight Alt (45-) - Rank 7

Alternate characters of knights below level 45 go on this rank, with slightly fewer privileges.

Squire - Rank 8

Any new members in the guild join us as squires for a minimum of two weeks. After a squire has proved to the guild they are ready to be promoted, they are moved to knight rank.

SotL Contact Details


Duane (GReaper in IRC)
Traia (Punkeh in IRC)

